Monday, March 28, 2011

Round Two!!!! The rest of the story.

After being diagnosed positive a second time for prostate cancer, Dr. Stout wanted to consult with a cancer board that she meets with.
As it turns out, she informed that there was one Dr. Jeff Lee on the board. Dr. Lee is the doctor that administered my radiation therapy nearly 5 years ago. When he reviewed my test results with Dr. Stout, he told her that this was somewhat normal for a radiation patient, and that at this time no treatments should be given. Which means that we simply go into a "wait and watch mode".
My PSA number is still very low, but double what it was a year ago. Wait and watch, love it.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Round Two!!!!

Well, some five years ago I had the opportunity of hearing those infamous words "the test for cancer came back positive, I am so sorry to have to tell you that." My brain turned into a three ring circus on the spot. Wow, how can this happen.
But, We went on , had radiation therapy, and all appeared to be good for four years. The magic number is five years.
Then at my four year checkup, one of the indicator numbers from the blood tests (PSA) went up. You have to under stand that a normal PSA number is about 2 to 2.5. My was down to .5 for for years, which is very good. Then it jumped to 1.2. No big deal, I thought. At the 4 1/2 year checkup the number was still at 1.2, it should have gone down. UUGGGHHHH!
Dr. Lisa Stout (one of my heros in life) then conducted a series of test for cancer, and one came back positive. But once again we have caught it very early and the prognosis looks very good for a successful cure.
I can't even begin to tell you haw grateful I am to have Margaret for support and love through these trials, she is my rock.
Stay tuned for further developments.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Monthly birthday party

We had our monthly family Birthday Breakfast yesterday. It is always fun to have the entire crew over. The only one missing was Le, and she had just gotten off a late shift, so, I am sure that she relished the opportunity to get some sleep with nobody else in the house.
The birthdays that we celebrated were Kennedy, (8th) Debbie (15th), Addison (17th), and mine (20th). Mine was the big six oh, but they spared me the black balloons, walker, Rogain, etc.
All and in all, it was a very good day.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Blessed spring

Today I had to go to Beaver to work on the golf course there. Yes, they do have a golf course, and a fun one. Anyway, here it is the end of April and it rained all the way to Scipio, then snowed from there on. The irony was the number of people that were riding motor cycles. I'm sure that Ken Whetstone could explain the joy of such a wonder event to me, but for the moment I am stumped.

Would you believe that Margaret declined my invitation to go with me to visit Beaver? Opportunity lost!
On Monday it hit eighty degrees at home. It has been my tradition to begin to get the swimming pool ready for the summer when that happens. Maybe I've jumped the gun this year.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

End of an era

Several months I was released as bishop. It was five years that went went by in but a moment. It was the most wonderful experience that I wouldn't wish on anybody.
It was five years that Margaret proved to be an absolute rock. She not only was there for me to support me as bishop, she was there to support me through all of the other trials that I went through. That includes 11 surgeries, several deaths in the family, and other trials.
Now the time has come to change course in our lives, so before I was released, I extended applications to the temple to become ordinance workers. We are now starting our callings in the Jordan River Temple.
Looking forward to a new year, and being able to catch up on a lot of things that got placed on the back burner for the past 5 years.
It was a delight to have been called to serve, it is a delight to have the calling completed.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Pure act of Bravery

I don't know just what I was thinking when I invited ALL of our grandchildren over for a "cousin party and sleep over".
Grounds for insanity I guess.
But all and all, it was a lot of fun. We ended up with all ten of them, including the baby. (as it turned out, she was the best of the bunch.
Started off with pizza. Fill em up, that tends to wear them down...........theoretically that is! Then into the basement for a movie.
Movie over, that means that the hide-a-way bed is now a trampoline, right.....
Serious discussion about the hide-a-way not being a trampoline. Do not use logic when talking with a 4 year old, just state the fact and be done......
12:30 Other 4 year thinks that it's time to play with the WII. UUGGGHHHHH.
No logic, no straight forward commands, and no patience. Evacuate four year old to isolation.
Problem solved.
Time for all willing kids to hit the hot tube. I went last time, grandma's turn, right? Wrong again. Off we go. Six kids in the tube at once. Minimal complaining about how "hot" the hot tube is, just be quite and enjoy..........
Splashing held to a minimum.
Biscuit time. The kids love grandpa's biscuits. Have you ever noticed that there are NEVER left-overs at breakfast?
Then the best part.
Here come the parents to pick up the kids.......
We survived!!!!!
Ready for a nap grandma? Most enthusiastically so!
Had a ball!!!!!!!
Let's do it again!

Next year.................

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Santa Blair

You'll never guess who Santa was at our ward Christmas party. but these kids did.